
What are some distinctives of our church?

1. As is the tradition of most Plymouth Brethren assemblies, we observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning in its own worship service where any man in fellowship with our Lord may pray, ask for a song or share devotional insights from the Bible, which glorify Christ.

2. Our church is led by a team of elders, deacons and trustees who shepherd this flock of believers under the authority of the Chief Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ. Our leaders meet periodically with the men at the Chapel to share important information about our church’s finances, ministries and opportunities to maintain our facility and serve our people.

3.  We take God’s Word seriously. On Sunday mornings we study the Bible through verse by verse, expository teaching and preaching. On Friday nights, we have a one-hour discussion-oriented Bible study where anyone may participate. We also encourage all of our members, both younger and older, to have a time of personal Bible reading, study and prayer.

4. We take prayer seriously. We meet weekly for an old-fashioned prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings where any man or woman may share prayer requests and pray for any need. We also have a prayer text ministry where any member can text urgent prayer requests, so that all our members can quickly pray for emergency prayer needs.

5. We are committed to local and worldwide evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. To accomplish this goal, we support, from our monthly offerings, local and international missionaries. Our local ministries include outreach to international students at our university here in Lafayette and ministry to men and women in city jails.

6. At Southside, we love food, fun and fellowship! We share a meal on Friday evenings before the Bible study as well as periodic Sunday afternoon pot luck dinners, an annual Easter Sunrise service with a pancake breakfast and our annual spring Crawfish Boil. God has blessed us with an amazing facility that was originally a racquetball club. It has a commercial kitchen and large dining area. Our members and their friends love to hang out here and play sports in our gym like basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, racquetball and ping pong, play cards and table games in our fellowship hall and swim in our pool outside.

7. Finally, we are a simple body of believers. We are just ordinary, fallible folks who have been saved by an Extraordinary, Awesome, Holy God. We try to show our love for the Lord and His People in big and small ways on Sundays and during the week.